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Cost Analysis

This page shows how to track LLM cost using APIs.

Callback Manager

The callback manager is a class that manages the callback functions.

You can register llm-start, llm-end, and llm-stream callbacks to the callback manager for tracking the cost.

import { extractText } from "@llamaindex/core/utils";
import { encodingForModel } from "js-tiktoken";
import { ChatMessage, OpenAI } from "llamaindex";
import { Settings } from "llamaindex/Settings";

const encoding = encodingForModel("gpt-4-0125-preview");

const llm = new OpenAI({
// currently is "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09"
model: "gpt-4-turbo",

let tokenCount = 0;

Settings.callbackManager.on("llm-start", (event) => {
const { messages } = event.detail;
messages.reduce((count: number, message: ChatMessage) => {
return count + encoding.encode(extractText(message.content)).length;
}, 0);
console.log("Token count:", tokenCount);
// $10.00 / 1M tokens
console.log(`Total Price: $${(tokenCount / 1_000_000) * 10}`);

Settings.callbackManager.on("llm-stream", (event) => {
const { chunk } = event.detail.payload;
const { delta } = chunk;
tokenCount += encoding.encode(extractText(delta)).length;
if (tokenCount > 20) {
// This is just an example, you can set your own limit or handle it differently
throw new Error("Token limit exceeded!");
Settings.callbackManager.on("llm-end", () => {
// $30.00 / 1M tokens
console.log(`Total Price: $${(tokenCount / 1_000_000) * 30}`);

const question = "Hello, how are you? Please response about 50 tokens.";
console.log("Question:", question);
void llm
stream: true,
messages: [
content: question,
role: "user",
.then(async (iter) => {
for await (const chunk of iter) {